Lincoln Douglas KiwanisWho Are Kiwanians?
Kiwanians are men and women banned together to make their communities better places to live. They perform community service beyond the capability of government. They work collectively and through committees. They attend regularly schedule meetings for fellowship and inspiration. They serve because they want to serve.
Kiwanians work with a special emphasis onchildren; they help solve community and social problems, they provide support for spiritual and patriotic endeavors.
Their purpose is “Service to Youth, Community and Nation” and their clubs are called “service clubs.”
Their ranks are open to all men and women of good character. The cost is small, the rewards in personal satisfaction are great. Kiwanis clubs are located around the world.
By entering into the spirit of Lincoln-Douglas Kiwanis you will find many happy hours of real Kiwanis fellowship and we sincerely hope this information will give you a better understanding of whta we are trying to do.
As a service club, our success depends on your acceptance of responsible citizenship in servicing the needs of our community.
How to Join
Kiwanis is a voluntary organization. Clubs choose their own members. Kiwanis membership is open to men and women of good character and community standing who reside in, or have other interests wtihin, the area served by the club. A Kiwanian is expected to be involved in the activities of their club and attend meetings regularly.
Prospective Lincoln-Douglas Club Member Details
Meeting location details: Beltline Care, 325 W. South St., meets Wednesday mornings 6:50 AM to 8 AM
- What happens at club meetings?
- All meetings open with the Pledge of Allegiance, the Kiwanis Pleadge and an invocation by a member. There are no rituals.
- Buffet breakfas until 7:10
- Club announcements and reports until 7:20
- Program of the day until 8:00 AM
Meeting Details & Club Dues
Meeting location details: Beltline Care, 325 W. South St., meets Wednesday mornings 6:50 AM to 8 AM
Quarterly dues are $110. Your dues cover club expenses including all meeting meals.
How You Will Be Inducted
In a simple ceremony, a member of the club will call you forward and introduce you to other members andpresent you with your Kiwanis lapel button and introductory material to welcome you into the club.
- Member Expectations
- Regular attendance at club meetings (60%)
- Commitment to working some fundraising projectors and/or special events.
- Sponsorship of new members
- Acceptance of full responsibility inherent to any committee appointment/involvement.
What We Promise You
- An opportunity to share your experience, knowledge, your time, love for service to your community and your fellow man.
- The presige of Kiwanis membership
- Fun fellowship and evidence of the true friendship each time you meet
What Counts as Attendance
- Primarily, attendance at regular club meetings
- Secondarily, attendance at a meeting of any other Kiwanis club around the world or attendance at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
Become a Member!